Paul Clapham

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since Oct 14, 2005
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Recent posts by Paul Clapham

I was reading this post under the assumption that you wanted to write the chosen data into an OutputStream. But then I read more carefully. Really, you want it to be in another InputStream? I don't understand that because it's already in an InputStream. Maybe you could clarify your requirements a bit and explain what they are for?
14 hours ago
Spammers are everywhere. Fortunately we manage to keep them under control here, so you mostly won't see them.
1 day ago
It's far from the ideal teaching tool, though, in its mind-numbing level of detail.

On the other hand I searched the web for explanations of how the += operator works. I found several quickly, but none of them mentioned the implicit cast which was the key feature in the question in the OP. Even Oracle's tutorial doesn't mention it. Whether Anil's recommended resources mentioned the cast, I don't know.
Good luck with that project then!
2 days ago

The JLS wrote:A compound assignment expression of the form E1 op= E2 is equivalent to E1 = (T) ((E1) op (E2)), where T is the type of E1, except that E1 is evaluated only once.

I believe that explains the question you asked?
Looks to me like HAXM is a run-time thing (hardware acceleration) and so it doesn't belong in a design-time tool.

(The website I happened on explains how to install it in the Android Emulator... don't ask me anything more about that, it went way over my head.)
2 days ago
I found a page on line which said

In summary, both libraries can be used for parsing and generating JSON data in Java. However, Jackson is a more mature library with more features and customizations, while JSON-B is a more recent library and is designed to be more simple to use, it is an official standard for JSON binding in Java.

It also had some text which described the two in more detail. So I don't know, you'd have to interpret that statement to see how it matches your definition of "better".
5 days ago
It sort of looks like the code means to draw on the JPanel. I mean, it calls its repaint() method, which does that. But you'd have to override the JPanel's paintComponent() method for that to be useful.
5 days ago

jake blaze wrote:- I call the subdivide method from paintComponent because it was like this in the task specification

It does say that, doesn't it? Normally in a Swing app the paintComponent method just draws something, instead of doing calculations.
5 days ago
Let's have a go at that with String Templates:

I haven't tested this but I can see that the idea is still subject to futzing around to get the spaces in the right places.
6 days ago

Glyndwr Bartlett wrote:Thank you Paul.

And thank you for asking the question which has led me to not consider updating MySQL to the latest version. Not that it was on my agenda but upgrading to the latest version of things is something that I do.

Although I could take Tim's advice and switch to SquirrelDB if I did consider that, I suppose.
That's probably an immensely complicated question. One facile response is "Okay, but nothing is totally secure". But in this case there are many things that need to be secured, and the community version of MySQL does have a lot of security features. (Section 8 in the user manual.) But on the other hand I read online that there's such a thing as "enterprise security". (I didn't carry on reading to see what that comprises.) So you'd need to evaluate your situation to see what your security issues might be.

My MySQL database is also a personal project. It's on a single computer and it's not accessible from the internet. Not unless the computer gets compromised, that is. So I'm not particularly concerned.
Like Ira suggested, it's always a good idea to actually run the code from the questions. I know that's not allowed in the exam, but when studying for the exam you should use every tool available.
That fragment describes how the Arrays.equals() method works.

What you've posted doesn't really have any context about which equals() method it's talking about.
I don't see any 8.2 version of the workbench available for download. Latest version is 8.0.36 as far as I can see.