SCJP 1.4, SCWCD J2EE 1.4, SCJD J2SE 1.5, SCBCD J2EE 1.3, SCDJWS (In Progress)
I think that any pattern being used in an application could/should(/must!) be trumped by "the simplest thing that could possibly work."
Originally posted by David O'Meara:
Thanks, Paul, I felt like you were channelling my own thoughts there.
The only point I'd add is the 'Pattern as a weapon' ie "I know more patterns than you, so rather than using them as an aid to communication I'll deluge you till you give up and walk away". I've seen this a couple of times
"Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines" SCJP 1.6, SCWCD 1.4, SCJD 1.5,SCBCD 5
Chris Hurst wrote:
- Problem 1 :
The vocab bit can break down as one persons pattern is not another persons ...
I had an argument with a web developer who claimed they didn't need to document their code as is was MVC and I should therefore know that and not require any , it was actually Sun's specialisation of MVC, so I pointed this out by showing them the GoF book only to be told I was of course wrong and that book was in error ;-) "That's not a MVC"
Mike Himstead wrote:I tend to disagree with the prevous posters (and the article). Most of the software I've seen (which is a subset only, of course) didn't suffer from too much patterns, it was always the opposite. Really creepy code that was very difficult to maintain, especially after some changes. A well-used(!) pattern would have done wonders to the code's structure.
Michael Valentino wrote:A knight shrouded in extreme armor may be invulnerable to swords or arrows, but what good is he if he can't move or maneuver?
There is always a bug :-)
Robin Sharma wrote:I mean it's so hard to follow the logic around because you keep jumping between sub-classes and super classes.
All too often I look at the design of a software project and say to myself "Why on earth are they using this pattern here? It would be much simpler to do it this way..."
Winston Gutkowski wrote:
All too often I look at the design of a software project and say to myself "Why on earth are they using this pattern here? It would be much simpler to do it this way..."
That strikes me as a comment on how patterns are used, rather than a condemnation of them in general.
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