The question about 'What is the Best
IDE' isa very personal one, as has been seen in many previuos threads. (like
this one)
My question for all would be: How would you rank IDEs?
Personally I just want a bunch of features, and it's popularity would be dependant on having these. Any other features would have to be configurable so that if I don't like them I could turn them off.
At its most basic I want
syntax highlighting - the type of syntax should be mime dependant and should also be editable and pluggable, allowing you to change colors etc, and add or create syntax for previously unsupported types.full keyboard support - I like using the keyboard. If I have to touch the mouse at all during development, the IDE fails. I want to be able to switch windows and contexts etc and also use any other available featuresability to compile etc through the IDE. I'm not assuming the IDE is just for Java development. This should aslo be done via the keyboard.if the IDE has code completion, javadoc integration, blah blah, I want to be able to turn it off As you can see, the current rating system just consists of a bunch of 'yes/no' options.
Are there any Features that can be quantified? ie IDE A is definitely a 4/10 for this feature, but IDE B is a 7/10.
Without getting too IDE specific, how would you rate them and what would be the criteria for a good/bad IDE?
(note that I've deliberately left cost off at the moment ;D )