"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's why they call it the present." Eleanor Roosevelt
Author of Test Driven (2007) and Effective Unit Testing (2013) [Blog] [HowToAskQuestionsOnJavaRanch]
Originally posted by Sudharsan G'rajan:
My favorite is Gel
1. Free
2. Faster (built on Delphi)
3. Simple, no-frills, no GUI editing
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
My favorite IDE by far is JBuilder X Enterprise. The JBuilder Enterprise Suite gets you Together J as an added bonus. Of course this is for a professional production environment where somebody else is footing the bill. You get what you pay for though. If you're looking for something more affordable, Eclipse works nice and IntelliJ IDEA is worth considering as well.
Co-author of SCMAD Exam Guide, Author of JMADPlus
Originally posted by Mark Spritzler:
I am a huge fan of IntellJ IDEA. I have tried Eclipse, Together, and NetBeans.
I am the envy of all my co-workers.
Originally posted by Mark Spritzler:
I am a huge fan of IntellJ IDEA.
I've heard it takes forever to grow a woman from the ground
I've heard it takes forever to grow a woman from the ground
Originally posted by Joseph George:
Well, I ain't never tried any ItelliJ IDEA, but i find it VERY hard to beleive that it is $500 better than Eclipse. It had better... you know... shoot, can't think of anything funny.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
A Perfectly valid argument. Eclispe is, IMHO, the best free IDE. If I hadn't recieved a free license for IDEA I probably wouldn't have bought it either. But that's only because I don't code for a living. If I did, I'd pay whatever I needed to for IDEA.![]()
Originally posted by Joseph George:
And someone would have to do some pretty fast talking to convince me that it makes sense to lay down a grand for an editor (JBuilder), when Eclipse is free.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Where time and productivity equal money, it's a no brainer. If you are a hobbyist or a student, then you don't need something like JBuilder. If you are working on a development team in an enterprise setting, it quickly pays for itself IMHO, particularly if the entire team is using the same IDE.
Originally posted by Alan Eustace:
I really liked IntelliJ, it's a great IDE, but I certainly don't think it's worth the $500 over Eclipse, in terms of productivity or usability.
Originally posted by Chris Mathews:
We will just have to agree to disagree on this one.![]()
Personally, I don't think that Eclipse comes anywhere close to competing with IDEA on either usability or productivity... IDEA is in a league of its own.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
Oh no, this is turning into an IDEA vs Eclipse thread. Yuck!
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
Anyway, someone can corret me if I am wrong but there is 1 single thing I love about IDEA that eclipse doesn't do (to my knowledge). When I implement an interface, I can hit CTRL-I and select all the methods I want to override. And IDEA just puts them in my class for me. With Interfaces like MouseListener where there are 4 or 5 methods, this saves me a lot of typing.
Originally posted by Chris Mathews:
Isn't that what happens to every IDE discussion? Of course, it is nice to have the occassional JBuilder Lunatic... just to keep things interesting.![]()
Originally posted by Jeroen Wenting:
Comparing the featurelists of IDEA and Eclipse I see no reason to shelf out for IDEA, maybe others do.
Originally posted by Chris Mathews:
It's not about feature lists and until you try you won't understand.![]()
Ashik Uzzaman
Director of Engineering, Twin Health, Mountain View, CA, USA
Don't get me started about those stupid light bulbs. |