I have stumbled across a problem and I am not sure if it relates to BlueJ or the program I am writing.
In class MapDisplay (line 13), if imageSize is set to 1888 or higher, the following error message appears.
An exception was thrown:
Internal BlueJ error: unexpected exception in remote VM
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
The reason I think it may be a bug in BlueJ is due to the Internal BlueJ error reference in the error message,
The Terminal window displays "java.lang.OutOfMemoryException"
If imageSize is set to 1887 or lower, no error message is shown.
I have enclosed the
java files - could you tell me if this is a BlueJ bug (and how to report it - I looked at BugZilla but I didn't understand it at all) or if this is my own programs bug, can someone tell me what I am doing wrong.
Thank you for your time and help.