Originally posted by Mark Binau:
Is it correct that IBM has renamed WSAD 6 to Rational Application Developer? Have you worked with it yet? Does it have worthwhile new features? If you know of a web page with an indepenant review, please post it.
Yes, WSAD has been renamed to RAD. I haven't used it yet. I have used Eclipse 3.0 (which RAD 6 is based on.) The differences in the java editor are quite pronounced. And the new look is pretty cool too! It also uses a new generation of standard plugin technology. So there are some new good plugins. For RAD itself, the biggest "new feature" is
J2EE 1.4 support.
To date, all the reviews I've seen are from IBM. Not quite independent
Sean Sullivan has been using RAD/WAS 6. If you do a search for his posts in our IBM/WebSphere forum, you will see some of his experiences. (keeping in mind of course that people only post problems, not things they are happy with)