Mike<br />SCJP 1.4<br />----------------------------<br />[email protected]<br />----------------------------<br />There are 10 types of people<br />in the world. Those that <br />understand binary, and those<br />that don't.
Originally posted by Michael Cleary:
I have always been somewhat put off by Eclipse because it seemed that there was such a steep learning curve just to use the thing. To be fair, I have not tried Eclipse in a long time, so this may no longer be a valid concern. Is your book primarily concerned w/ the new features in 3.0, and therefore assume a prior working knowledge of Eclipse? Or would new users be able to use it as a guide to start working with Eclipse?
Carlos Valcarcel, Director<br /><a href="http://www.triveratech.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Trivera Technologies LLC</a>, [email protected]<br />Author of Eclipse Kick Start
Originally posted by Michael Cleary:
I have always been somewhat put off by Eclipse because it seemed that there was such a steep learning curve just to use the thing.
Originally posted by Steven Bell:
I would say that, as IDE's go, the learning curve on eclipse is no worse than any other. For basic use I find it fairly intuitive. That said there are alot of tricks and shortcuts that take time to find and learn, and it's those extra 'features' that really help productivity.
Carlos Valcarcel, Director<br /><a href="http://www.triveratech.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Trivera Technologies LLC</a>, [email protected]<br />Author of Eclipse Kick Start
Mike<br />SCJP 1.4<br />----------------------------<br />[email protected]<br />----------------------------<br />There are 10 types of people<br />in the world. Those that <br />understand binary, and those<br />that don't.
Originally posted by Michael Cleary:
Well, it sounds to me like I need to get off the fence and try Eclipse again!The IDE I have used the most is JCreator Pro, which of course is not free. But is is a very nice IDE and I've gotten pretty used to it. At work I had to use NetBeans for a project last fall, and I didn't really care for it that much. But again, it may have been simply because I was so used to something else.
Carlos Valcarcel, Director<br /><a href="http://www.triveratech.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Trivera Technologies LLC</a>, [email protected]<br />Author of Eclipse Kick Start
Originally posted by Jorge Blaz:
I've been using WSAD for two years and I also have used Eclipse. I really find it a great IDE, but since I haven't used any other IDE's I can't objectively say that Eclipse is the best one. But I like it a lot.
Maybe Carlos can point two or three characteristics that make Eclipse unique and worth to learn and use it (and read his book, of course ;-).
Carlos Valcarcel, Director<br /><a href="http://www.triveratech.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Trivera Technologies LLC</a>, [email protected]<br />Author of Eclipse Kick Start
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