If you have these skills and experience and would like to be submitted for consideraration for the position or have questions, please e-mail me at
Raymond@austincontract.com . The position will be at a large state agency in Austin Texas. I have a small consulting company and cannot sponsor visas. I will need to know by 1-6-2004. Thank You
Minimum Skills & Qualifications:
A.Four (4) years working experience programming in
B.Two (2) years working experience developing J2EE-compliant applications
C.Two (2) years working experience with WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0
D.Two (2) years working experience with SQL stored procedures and DB2 OS/390
Preferred Skills & Qualifications:
A.Sun Java 1.4 certified strongly preferred.
B.Experience with
STRUTS strongly preferred.
C.Experience with the internally developed Internet security system.
D.Experience with WebSphere 4.0 or 5.0 on OS/390.