I have installed successfully the SVN server and now want to create the package on the svn server.What i want is that i want to place the packages that i built in java on my computer and then place it on the svn server but for that i have to create the package on the svn server.The purpose is that i want my packages to be seen and modified by the other members.so could any one tell me about how to create a package on the svn server thanking you in advance
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I'm moving your question to our IDEs and Other Tools forum, where it'll be on-topic.
Please don't post the same question in multiple forums; I just deleted the other copy in "Other Open-Source Products." If the answer above isn't enough, please ask any questions you have in this thread.
Have you read the Subversion book? The first few chapters take you through an example of setting up repository, checking out, commiting, rolling back changes etc.
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