When Eclipse is launched, it will take up the configuration settings from the eclipse.ini file, in which you can specify the VM args.
1. Edit the eclipse configuration settings file <EclipseHome>/eclipse.ini
2. You can specify your vm arguments in this file.
eg. -vm C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\jre\bin\javaw.exe -vmargs -Xms256m -Xmx512m
-vm is used to specify the
Java VM to be used.
-vmargs is used to specify the list of arguments to be passed to the VM.
However, these above setting will only change the memory given to your eclipse runtime, and not to any java applications which you may be running from within Eclipse. For such apps, you may have to set the VMargs, in the launch configuration dialogue box, where you create, manage and run your java apps.
ie. go to Run -> Run -> Java application -> arguments -> VM arguments. This will configure the VM of the actual java application that you are running thru Eclipse.
Hope this helps.