Hi, I created a simple java program and converted to .exe with help of s/w called EXEJ. Its availble at "www.bysoft.se\sureshot\exej". And on double clicking on exe file,it works. If i Uninstall the JDK then it won't work. so to Execute exe without JDK is it possible?
This "EXEJ" obviously produces EXE files that just invoke the JRE. But there do exist Java-to-EXE compilers that don't depend on an installed JRE. I'm not aware of a free one, but there are definitely commercial compilers. Google is your friend here as well.
Hi Sanjaya, Thanks. One more.... I create the the exe file using the class file. After words i delet the class file, then the exe file is not running? Is there any possibilities to run the exe without class file.
You can't run without the JRE anymore than you can run most recent C/C++ Windows apps without MFC42.DLL or Visual Basic programs without VBRUNxx.DLL. The shared modules are essential parts of your program. They're third-party components that provide shared functionality that isn't common enough to be part of the OS (actually, in some versions of Windows, MFC42.DLL is part of the OS).
Or at least they would be "third-party" if Microsoft didn't make both the OS and the Visual Studio language suite.
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
If anything else "works" fine enough, I am sure Multi Threading will not run as expected, since it is based on the availability of a Java Runtime Environment and not on native code.
I do believe that quite a few Wintel boxes have the JRE pre-installed though (e.g. those from IBM, Dell, Gateway, HP), although that's not strictly being part of the OS.
Most operating systems don't come with a preinstalled JVM, or at best with one that either fundamentally broken (gcj on Linux) or seriously outdated (MS JRE 1.1 on Windows 2000 and older).
But it shouldn't be a problem to install a JVM for your users. Downloads aren't large and installation is pretty painless (and if you distribute on CD for example you can include the installers for the most used operating systems with your application, see the Sun license terms for details on what you can and cannot do).
Or we might never have existed at all. Freaky. So we should cherish everything. Even this tiny ad: