Hi Rishi,
Although i don't have answers for all of your questions, I would like to present some of my humble opinion about some of your questions. In fact Bill has some information for your question number 1 the reply to my previous post.
I don't think javascript is comparable to python, jython and perl. Javascript executes on client browsers while Python, Jython and Perl execute on server side. You can vaguely classified javascript as client side scripting language as oppose to server side scripting language like Python, Jython and Perl. Of course there are other scripting languages. Usually you will see arguments or comparison between Python(Jython) and Perl. Python is a better constructed OO scripting language and Perl is more intuitive. Personnally, i feel python code is more readable than perl and easier to maintain for large application(may not true for every individual). A nice feature about Python/Jython is you can break down your code into small pieces and debug quickly using interpreter. Java does not have this feature. (I really like this feature and it really speeds up your development process, at least for a poor programmer like me.). A feature i like about scripting language is the
string manipulation, especially the regular expression. So far i have not encountered other languages that can do a better job in string manipulation like Perl and Python/Jython.
The 4th question involves some internal operation of Jython, and of courses Bill will give you a better explanation. If anybody sees mistakes in my writing, please feel free to correct me, so i will not make the same mistake in the future.