hi iam making an application that uses arabic words encoded in UTF8 like the following
String str1=new String( "مرحبا".getBytes() , "UTF8");
but when i try to run the code in NetBeans,The Data Is Displayed As ???
Although My Windows Language Is Arabic?
also in the project properities>sources>Encoding>UTF-8 ?
also in project properities>build>compiling>additional compiler options>-encoding UTF-8 ?
also i tried to edit the netbeans.conf file by adding the encoding
netbeans_default_options="................ -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" ?
every thing is completely right but the program keeps displaying the words as ???
but when i try to run the same code in
IDE Like JCreator The Data Is Displayed Correctly?
so any ideas how to fix this problem ?
iam using NetBeans 6.5M1
Windows XP
JDK 6u4