Congratulations are due to Ajith Kallambella, who has now submitted more than 3000 messages (!) to the Java Ranch Big Moose Saloon. He joins Paul Wheaton, the owner of the Ranch who was until now the only person to beat 3000 posts Well done Ajith, What can I say?
<h1>WOW!</h1> Ajith I'm green with envy That is just fantastic ... best of all we all know that each of your posts has been a Quality post ... So Ajith, how long to 5000 do you think? [This message has been edited by Angela Poynton (edited April 11, 2001).]
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
OH MY < flashes of inferiority and panic> what an accomplishment! You must need more to do on the side < let's see. . . . hmmm> [This message has been edited by Cindy Glass (edited April 11, 2001).]
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Congratulations Ajith That's amazing! And what's even more amazing is that your posts (discounting Word Association ) are always full of valuable information! Kudos Jane
That�s impressive! And being concerned about our feelings, he joined �Word Association Club� with the only purpose: not to look too perfect, although we all know he is. Congratulations, Ajith!
It's just a shame that the number of posts in Prog cert is now just over 16000 ... makes that thread look all wrong ... was a great moment though. I'm looking forward to Word Association reaching 500 posts.
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.