Hi everyone,
I work on a
struts application that runs on
Jboss, and I am having a problem that I believe is due to my build.xml. I am a bit of an
Ant newbie, so please bear with me.
Basically, I wanted to the jakarta commons-httpClient jar to my application, and for some reason, whenever I create an instance of the class that imports the PostMethod class (which is inside the jar) I get a NoClassDefFoundError. It's my guess that somehow the jar is not making it into the ear.
Attached is my build.xml. It's kind of large (I didn't write it -- I'm just modifying it) but the part that I think pertains to this problem is the <path id="shared.classpath"> tag. As far I can tell, it should be copying everything from the lib directory that matches commons-*.jar, and the jar in question is /lib/commons-httpClient-3.0-rc1.jar
Any ideas why I might be getting this error?
Thanks in advance,
Ben Rainville
Here's the build.xml (I couldn't figure out how to post it in here -- something about illegal HTML tags? If anyone can tell me, I'll post the xml here instead of an external link).