I new to linux and lately installed Redhat 8.0 distribution and must admit i 'm thrilled to say the least.
Apparently, i want to learn n deploy more of usable features of linux now and to hav it effectively co-exist with my current setup.I hav certain queries regarding tht :
( all queries refer to a multi-boot system with win98, winXP and red-hat linux )
1.) How can i access files on my win98/winXp partitions ( FAT32 ones ). My specific requirement is i want to edit MS_Word files currently present in win98 partition using OpenOffice Writer.
2.) How can i go the other way round, reading linux-files from windows, that is.
3.) Is there any way to run applications across both platforms. Like run win32 apps from linux, or run linux-apps from windows. ( I suspect WINE has something to do with this ). I specifically need to run a
java IDE, JCreater, which is win32 app.
4.) How do i get my now linux-machine on already existing windows LAN. Like, i 'll love it to show in 'network neighbourhood' from other windows machine, share files and printer, and also hav such a functionality itself. ( i suspect Samba deals with this prob, not sure tho )
5.) Where do i go to learn more ab' setting LAN of Linux machines ( about 22 in number ). And how can i make this network communicate with windows LAN setup i already have, communication need to be both ways ; tht is windows machine should see linux ones, n linux ones shld be able to see windows one. i guess this question is related to 4th question.
6.) What tools/techniques/technologies should i concentrate on learning n how to learn them ( any URLs r welcome ) to make my linux-experince effective and efficient. Like should i learn more of shell-programming, or administrative-features or what. My primary goals are; to get everyday work done on linux machine ( everyday work invovles emailing,
word processing etc), second goal is to develop n configure
tomcat web-applications, and also develop intranet-apps.
i know answers are out there, the reason why i am asking questions here instead of searching web is tht i hate to start blank, because i know i am not the first to face this set of problems, and by now many of us already have the knowledge of best solutions to these problems.
Any suggestions/solutions/pointers-to-solutions will be much appericiated. Also, any tips for linux-novice are very welcome.
thankx n regards