Hmmm. Maybe I should break my long tradition of not owning any certs and go for the RHCE.
It's only $800 and I'm sure it would help me get tons of
Java jobs
OK. Here's the deal, and I'm in front of a Windows machine, not a Red Hat system, so if I get them all right, be suitably awed at my wisdom. If not, well senility's means never having to complain about watching reruns on TV.
First off, if you have the GUI and you don't plan on becoming a command-line guru, click on the (ahem) "Start" menu and look up somewhere around the item labelled "System".
You should find a whole bunch of admin functions, including the GUI version of the user management programs. You can also find the GUI network config tool there.
You don't need to be logged in as root. These apps detect user logins and prompt for a root password as needed.
The command-line (xterm/gnu-terminal/whatever) window doesn't have an icon on the default desktop in any recent Red Har release I can recall, but the "terminal" item (also on the System menu) will open one. One of the first things I always do is drag the menu down to the toolbar (gnome desktop).
I don't normally switch off whatever desktop system came installed on the machine I'm working at, but the process is fairly simple. The "switchdesk" program should do it.
BTW, the gui system apps for RedHat all start with "redhat-". So at the bash command prompt, type redhat- and press TAB and you'll see a list of them. I think that Fedora 2 kept the names but changes the prefix to "fedora-".
Never tried USB-to-USB networking (except as a Windows-to-Windows app migration aid), but I'd be surprised if someone hasn't written a howto.