First, my experience with RedHat 9 is that it
does install the firewall by default, and also configures it for 'high' security. This, of course, blocks the samba ports. My suggestion is to deal with one thing at a time: disable the firewall for now, and get samba to work the way you want. Then, when samba is all set, enable the firewall (if you need/want it) and configure from there.
Originally posted by Jack Lau:
# Security mode. Most people will want user level security. See
# security_level.txt for details.
security = server
# Use password server option only with security = server
password server = jklinux
Judging from these lines, you have told samba that you want to have a
different machine do the authenication. However, I'm getting the impression that this is not what you intended. If you change the securiy setting from 'server' to 'share', and comment out the pasword server line, I think you will start to get closer. Then, make sure that there is a system account for the each user that you want to access the samba share. Once, this is all set, you can follow Kay's directions to add users to samba. One note on this: I usually find that it is easiest to make the samba user name match the profile name of the Windows XP user. If the XP user account name contains spaces, this can be a problem on the linux/samba side. (The good news is that there's a way around that, but let's not worry about it yet if we don't need to!)
BTW, since you have the 'domain master' line commented out, you can also comment out the [netlogon] share, as this should only be used when the samba server is acting as a domain controller.
Hope I'm not confusing things further!
[ September 21, 2004: Message edited by: Andrew Eccleston ]