Regards Pete
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Originally posted by Peter Rooke:
Firstly - don't panic! Since you are able to login as the 'Super User' (root), you can perform any system administration tasks.
I am assuming that the login screen you are talking about is a graphical login screen ["However, right before loading the KDE, Suse prompts me to enter my username and password."], and not a text based one.
If so then login as root - the superuser, who role is to carry out administration. I am guessing that you just need to reset the users password. Do this by either:
1) From the KDE menu (similar to windows start button) 'Start Applications' => 'Control Center' => 'Yast2 Modules' => 'Security and Users' => 'Edit and Create Users' => (A dialog should be displayed) Select User in the list => Click the 'Edit' button => Change the password in the text box => Next button => click Finish button.
2) Bring up a shell prompt (kconsole etc). Type the command
passwd <username> - then enter the new password (twice)
- (watch, so that you do not change the root password by
typing 'passwd' without the
If you still are getting no where, post again.
The real fun, starts when you cannot login as root! - Don't go there!
-- <br />4 8 15 16 23 42
Regards Pete
Regards Pete
Originally posted by Peter Rooke:
Jesse, if you are interested in Linux have a look at
Cygwin - its a "Linux-like environment for Windows", so not a true linux distribution, but an emulation layer that works inside of windows.
You will not get the same functionality of SuSE, like KDE (etc) - but you can play around with bash, and learn Linux.
Regards Pete
Originally posted by Peter Rooke:
It just could be that the "Yahoo Instant Messenger" - is asking for your Internet service provider username and password. It would do this (I think) so it could set up connectivity to Internet at boot time. I've never used this software so this is just guesswork.
Maybe just as well to reinstall.
PS - I've heard this rumor (story). That one of the original Unix developers (Ken Thomson - I think) build a car, with only one red LED on the dashboard. If anything goes wrong, it flashes. If it does flash, he stated he always knows what is wron, as he build the car.
The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet. - William Gibson
Sonny Gill LinkedIn
Regards Pete
Originally posted by Ellen Zhao:
Hi all,
I got exactly the same problem as Jesse's days ago when I installed the yahoo IM for linux. But solved it in two minutes. You guys didn't pay enough attention to what the yahoo IM said after the installation. It does tell you it would add an entry into some file called .x... (i cannot remember the file name now, but I did remember at that day, that's why i solved it so quickly). And, that .x...file is for the dist Fedora (red hat) I suppose. So that I simply signed in with root account,
cd /home/ellen/
ls -la
then I found that evil .x... file, deleted it (delete the whole file. cos it's in fact empty). Done. when I tried logging in again, no problem at all.
Before I used SuSE 9.2 pro, I had been with Fedora Core for a while. I really liked it, it's a more standard Linux than SuSE, I have to say (when you learn SuSE, you learn SuSE, but not linux). If Fedora Core hasn't gone too ...(don't want to get started, if you've used Fedora Core 2, you know what I want to say) I wouldn't switched to SuSE (I tried Mandrake, but it doesn't support my motherboard).
And, Sonny if you are really using SuSE 9.2 you shouldn't have any problem with the wma or wmv file. Check out You can get the binary package of MPlayer and Lame there, download them and install. Then your SuSE box plays everything.(It's in fact just codec thing) You can simply remove all the other media players.
[ December 10, 2004: Message edited by: Ellen Zhao ]
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