I am looking to install an application that requires I have make, and that is when I learned that my version of RH 9 -- BLAG does not come with gcc. So, I downloaded gcc and then put it in a directory, /gcc-bin . Then, I added /gcc-bin/gcc-3.4.3/ to my $PATH variable.
Now, when I type whereis gcc, my system doesn't know. So, I am wondering what do I need to do to get gcc running?
I don't know what you downloaded, exactly, but what you want to do is delete it all, get a gcc RPM and install the RPM using rpm -i . There's a lot of setup that goes into installing and configuring gcc properly, and just copying something to /gcc-bin (?) isn't going to do it.
There ought to be a gcc RPM on your OS CDs. If you don't have them, you can get one here:
Okay, I got it, and I ran the RPM. I had to build directories off from my/usr/src namely, /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES . Now I have the bzip2 version of gzip sitting on named directory. I suppose that I can fire that up now?
Sorry if I appear to be acting helpless, but I haven't found any good documentation for this -- not that I can understand -- definetely not the instructions packaged in the gcc manuals.
I don't find any reference to bootstrap in my main gcc directory, nor am I able to run install-sh -- as when I do I get the message: "no install file specified"
Poking around so far, I haven't found anything else that looks like it will get the job done.
No, you're more or less back to the same spot. Sounds like you downloaded the source RPMs, which means you would have to build gcc. It's a long, complex process and things can go wrong. Better to use a pre-built one.
On the page I linked to above, click not on the link that says "Source RPM", but on the big title on top of the page to get the binary RPM -- i.e., the prebuilt gcc -- and install that, instead. In other words, get the file
Okay--I gotta admit that last question of mine was pretty babyish.
I found glibc-2.3.2-27.9.7.src.rpm, and rpm -i 'd it. It gave me a warning message about having NO KEY, but otherwise was silent (I am guessing that no news is good news, and that it installed.)
So, I tried to rpm the gcc-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm, you suggested to me, and am getting the same error message: Failed dependencies: glibc-devel >= 2.2.90-12 is needed by gcc-3.2.2-5.
I will log out and log back in, probably solve all of my problems and prove my "I was acting babyish" thesis. But, I wanted to write down all the info before I wiped it out.
What is the difference between i386 and i586 components. The i386 is made for pre-pentium, and i586 for pentium ? What is the benefit of going with i386, or does it matter. Also, can I intermix the two? Meaning, could I have the gcc i386 running with the glibc devel i586 ? (not what I tried to do here)
Bear with me, I know about stuff in a general way, but I've never bothered to sort them all out. It goes something like this, though:
gcc 2 and gcc 3 had some major differences. Not eveybody thought that gcc 3 (at least initially) was an imprevement. Red Hat backported some stuff, but for quite some time - including up through RH9 - stuck with their own edition of gcc 2.96. Not all app developers liked that idea, so a few dropped all support for gcc 2. But surely my uncle's name is Bjorn Stronginthearm?
RH9 AND Fedora Core 1 are both past end-of-life now, so if you can, I'd recommend migrating to FC3.
Even if you can't, however, you may find that installing packages with dependencies is made much easier if you use YUM. YUM has been retrofiited all the way back to about RH 7.2. I was using it quite happily on RH9 before I upgraded last week. I believe that everything will get pulled in automagically with a simple "yum install gcc" command.
To be able to build both gcc3 and gcc 2.96 projects, I believe you'll need the "gcc-compat" packages.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
This is awkward. I've grown a second evil head. I'm going to need a machete and a tiny ad ...