I am struggling to get my
java set up to write, compile and run some java programs, and honestly being a linux newbie the docs for such are somewhat confusing..
I am trying to break this down as simple as possible.
-I am logged into Linux as root.
-then download the j2sdk1.4.2_06 in the /USR/ dir
-I did chmod +x j2sdk1.4.2_06...
it installed successfully.
now I have a new dir called /usr/j2sdk1.4.2_06
but setting up the path classpath is different.
I would like two things:
I would like to create a directory called javasrc to hold all my java source code
but I do not want to develop in with root account, I want any user to be able to use the javasrc directory and be able to compile and run the programs..
what exactly do I edit. someone said I need to edit a file in /ETC/PROFILE
[ December 27, 2004: Message edited by: david lightman ]