Hi i have been working with jsp and mysql on win for bout a year...now i am migrating to mac osx panther and cant get jsp to connect to a mysql database....
is the connection different? does it use a different driver?? help!!
It should all work the same, but you might to provide some more details. Which version of MySQL are you using? Is it running on the Mac or another box? Which JSP container are you running? Do you have the MySQL drivers in the right place? Are you getting any error messages? etc, etc. Hopefully somebody will be able to help you out if you give them some more info.
Yup, we'll need more details. JDBC per se has no cross-platform issues that I am aware of. I have web apps running on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that all connect, using the exact same JDBC code, to a PostgreSQL database running on Solaris.
Hi ok im running mysql 4.1.7 (in usr/Local), Tomcat 4.1 (in Library folder) catalina container,Apache 1.3 on mac os x 10.3.6 panther...
have used mysql connector "mysql-connector-java-3.0.11-stable-bin.jar" in the past with windows but macs so confuse me as they are unix based and i me and unix dont mix!!
so do i need a different connector?? if so where do i put it??
Did you put the mysql jar file in webapps/yourapplication/WEB-INF/lib ?
And what kind of connection error are you getting. Does it say file not found or its some database related connection error? Why dont you post the error for us.