I'm in the first tutorial on "Head First EJB", and it calls for me to install J2EE 1.3 along with the Sun Reference Implementation onto my computer. Problem is, I cannot find a version of J2EE 1.3 for Mac OS X on Sun's website (http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.3/download.html#sdk). However, screenshots in the books seem to have it running on Mac OS X. Am I missing something here?
The OS X developer tools include JBoss 3.2.x which gives you what you need, and the ADC site has some stuff on setting up Tomcat within OS X. Either way, you have a J2EE compliant system at your beck and call, you just need to switch a few things on.
Thanks for the response. But actually, I'm looking specifically for installing Sun's J2EE Reference Implementation onto my Mac OS X. Since things like the deploytool are only available on the Reference Implementation.
To more directly answer your original question, the OSX Java implementation is distributed by Apple, not Sun. It comes installed with the OS-- I think even the compiler is already there.
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