Hello again,
I am using a G4 PowerBook running OS X Tiger... Ran the software update, last night, and discovered that Apple had updates for the JDK 1.3 & 1.4.2.
Figuring that I might be in project which requires these versions, I chose to allow the software update application to download and install these respective patches.
Well, earlier today, I was trying to invoke a simple
Ant build script and received the following error:
As one can, see my Ant process became paused...
Since, I had installed these updates, last night, and had written an Ant build script (which worked), yesterday, I assumed / guessed that it was the updates that caused this problem.
Therefore, I checked my JAVA_HOME and .bash_profile:
When I did a simple check of "java -version", this is what I got:
My questions:
1. Which version am I using?
2. Why is Ant's functionality broken?
3. Has anyone experienced the same problem after downloading & installing these updates?
4. How do I switch my "java -version" to point to JDK 1.5 ($JAVA_HOME)?
Any tips and suggestions will be greatly appreciated...
Many, many thanks!