Hi, please can anybody tell me how I can find the memory taken by a JavaScript object. I mean is there command or function which i can use o find the memory taken by my object? Thanks Shikhar
You could write a program in C that checks your available RAM (or just use an existing utility). Create an HTML page that has a button. OnClick() for the button create a new javascript object. Open your browser and load the page. Now run your RAM utility to get a baseline. Click the button and run the utility again. What do you think, gang? Will this work? ------------------ Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. ���
Yeah that would work Bodie. I think there is a program called FreeRam or MoreRam or something like that. It will tell you how much ram you have available. So you can open it, check what you have, run your page, and watch your ram diminsh. Bill
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