Hai Eric, Sunitha .
Thanks for your suggestions. But my problem still persists as I can't use any of approaches listed in this
thread. Here are the reasons.
1. Even if the user clcik the back button, the user will be able to see the page again but the user cant click any submit button or go to any other page frm that page. This is fine but I am trying to avoid user getting displayed with previous page even though he can't do ne thing.
2. window.history.forward();
3. <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=javascript:history.Forward(1)">
I understand this is to be added in previous page but my requirement allows navigating in some pages using back button when he is not yet logged out
Then another option making the application to open in a new window with out tool bars the still user can rt clcik the mouse Donn have that mucj freedom
4. The sever will have to write a varible to each page ad if it is true then the person is able to be there, if false then it would take them to a log in page. I am bit confused regarding this tip. As per my understanding back button navigation did not generate ne new request and hence we cannot contact server and ne server side logic is of no use. Correct me if I am wrong
5. The best solution would be a session cookie, which expires every time the browser is closed. This is bit new to me. If it is server side cookies how this can help to avoid caching page and hence not allowing to user to go back?
If it is client side then if client disabled cookies will this approach helps?
That's all..
Pls suggest ne ideas..
To sunitha
It's generally best to design your program around the standards of the web rather than try to change those standards This thread begun because we have to go along with standards.
i havent seen a AK47 so can u plz give that AK47 to me so that i can have look at that Even I donn have one..Ne way..If u wann just to have look @ it ne toy gun will do.
Thanks for all and in advance..
hoops I completed