First Off Scott, your name does not match Javaranch's naming policy....It should be a First and Last Name please change your display name by clicking the My Profile Link.
Now for my rant.....
Man this sounds like some homework to me or someone should be paying me to write the code for their job. Can this be done? Yes I have done it before with 5 hours of coding for my job.
Now for my hints:
Javascript can not save to xml or database so you need sever side language to do that.
If you can not figure out the cancel button then you need a lot more then books.
If you want help trying to figure stuff out.
Goto or and look for a double combo script. That will show you how to add items to a drop down.
To get values from a drop down you need to loop through the options and see if it is selected
var sel = document.pop.D1;
var txt = sel.options[i].text;
var opt = sel.options[i].value;
To move your items, you need to use buttons with onclick.
[ January 11, 2004: Message edited by: Eric Pascarello ]