If you want to become a rich, do not work for others but make others to work for you.
Originally posted by Mehak Darti:
This is the code that i'm actually gonna use in my program ... only that instead of D1 i will be using .. group ..
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<title>New Page 1</title>
<script language = javascript>
function cf(its)
if(its.D1.value = 'Select a Group')
var sel = document.its.D1;
var txt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].text;
var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
if(opt == 'group')
alert("Select a Group");
return false;
<form method="POST" name = "its" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--" onSubmit="return cf(this);">
<select size="1" name="D1">
<option value = "group">group</option>
<option value = "1">1</option>
<option value = "2">2</option>
</select><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="Reset"
The error that i'm getting is this....Object Doesn't support this property or method..!
plz it's urgent ... help..!
If you want to become a rich, do not work for others but make others to work for you.
Originally posted by Mehak Darti:
i didn't know that when ppl say it's urgent u want to help them less .... i thought this was a freindly place to interact...!! Sorry for the trouble...!
If you want to become a rich, do not work for others but make others to work for you.
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