I'm passing some stuff from a Microsoft Application to a
Java Servlet (WebApplication) called "dispatcher" (web server extension) like this:
lccmd='run /n7 "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" ;
http://'+gcWebHost+'/SomeWebApp/dispatcher+ ;
'?txtlogin='+STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(userID),' ','%20')+;
'&txtpassword='+STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(lcPassword),' ','%20')+;
'&fName='+STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(fname),' ','%20')+;
'&lName='+STRTRAN(ALLTRIM(lName),' ','%20')
Naturally, this is coming into the servlet via IE as a "GET".
This works fine, but the fields are visible in IE.
How about if I don't want the fields above to be visible in the URL?
Is there some way to send parameters to IE ... HIDDEN and not visible on the URL line?
Any advice would be appreciated!
-- Mike