I have a
jsp page and if user clicks link in that page the report(report page is CGI) open in new window.
If I copy that url (report url) to new browser the report still works. If I copy the url to new browser it should not work.
How can I restrick the URL, so that it should not work if url (bookmark) is copied to new browser.
Please can any one help how to make not work the url if copied to new browser (the basic thing the report should work only for
login user).
I tried to use the following
java script but that is not working...
I need to hide variable 'rspnId' from URL. If there is no rspnId then the report should not work even if you copy the link
to new browser.
Any help please....
Here is the code:
<form name=f1 action="" method=post>
<a href="javascript:window.open('http://s21-turbo.com:8001/test/rwcgi60?DEV_APPS+report=irn_report.rdf+paramform=YES+rspnId=234234','a')" >Inquiry Received Notice NEW ONE </a>