Dear Friends
I am getting the Email validation probelm
i have give n like this in the text area
[email protected]" it is giving the error
like this
[email protected]& #34;
It should not give the ascii charecters pls help me out.this is the code for that..i need to enter the emails in the text area
for( var i = 0; i < vEmailsToAdd.size(); i++ )
//if( currentEmails.toLowerCase().indexOf( vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i ).toLowerCase() ) == -1 )
if(!vectorOfEmails.contains(vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i ).toLowerCase()))
// The email address it NOT there already. Add it:
if( currentEmails != "" )
// The textarea is NOT empty.
if( currentEmails.charAt( currentEmails.length-1 ) == "," )
// The last char is a <comma>, so add a space and the email address
currentEmails += " " + vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i );
// The last char is not a <comma>, so add the <comma>+<space>+ email here
currentEmails += ", " + vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i );
// The textarea is empty. Just put the first address in it.
currentEmails = vEmailsToAdd.elementAt( i );