Ambika Jain
Life called,so here I am.<br />Cheers<br />Niki.:-)
i think if the image file is on the client itself then you can use divs or layers depending on the browser to open these images.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
Umm, sorry. No, you can't.
You would need to know the precise file path to the image and construct a local file-URL to that image. And since Javascript is incapable of inspecting the client file system how would you propose to construct that URL?
Originally posted by Amba Joshi:
I have a file browse button in my jsp,
-I am supposed to click on the browse button
-Select a file, the file is a picture (jpeg file)
-I want it to be displayed in the page, as soon as I select it.
Any clue, how to do this ?
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
Hmmm, according to most references, it isn't allowed. And I couldn't get it to work. Strange and bears further investigation!
Security Error: Content at http://bear-xpp:8080/testbed/f.html may not load or link to file:///D:%5Cbear%5CPhotos%5CVStar1100Silverado.jpg.
Life called,so here I am.<br />Cheers<br />Niki.:-)
it also works fine with IE 6.0
Ambika Jain
This code works well in Firefox1.0.3
Security Error: Content at http://bear-xpp:8080/testbed/f.html may not load or link to file:///D:%5Cbear%5CPhotos%5CVStar1100Silverado.jpg.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
So not only is the behavior inconsistent among browsers, it's inconsistent on installations of the same browser and version.
Not something I'd bet the farm on!
So I'll rephrase my original assertion as: there is no reliable and consistent way to do this without a round trip to the server to upload the file.
Are you using the default security settings with FF or did you latch them down a bit?
I wonder if we'd get more input on the subject if this was in the JS/HTML forum.
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