posted 19 years ago
I am working on a web application where I am using parent/child windows. My application has one main window and some buttons like for adding new record, modifying new record etc. When user clicks on any button a child window opens where user enters data and upon clicking save/update button there, the page gets submitted within the child window giving him message whether save/update is successful or not. Now when he closes the child window I would like to refresh the parent window which maintains list of added records. Note that child window is not a modal window and resubmission of page is happening within the window.
I could achieve this if the child window is a modal window and if there is no resubmission of the page within the child window.
In body I am calling this function on unload
function refreshParent()
var xWin=window.dialogArguments;
In a nutshell I would like achieve this
1. Open non-modal child window with some fields for user to enter, when any button is clicked in parent window
2. Page should get submitted within the child window upon clicking save/update button showing some message
3. Upon closing child window the parent window should get refreshed.
Can anyone help me out.
Thanks in advance