If the CSS has "ul { text-decoration:none}", it will effect every ul. If the css says "#listDiv ul { text-decoration:none }", it will effect every ul that is a child of an element with the id #listDiv.
If an element has a class, that simply takes priority over the tagname, and the id property takes the priority over the class. But for style properties that the tagname and the class don't conflict over, the properties from both are used. So if you have
a <ul class="myList"> will end up having no text-decoration and a blue background.
As I understand, the order in which the CSS blocks are loaded affects the priority in which similar blocks (two class definitions for example) are treated. If you have CSS code in the page itself, then in order for it to override any similar code from a linked .css file is for the page CSS to come after the linked CSS. So in the following case, the linked CSS will override the page CSS.
The following page explains different list-specific properties:
http://en.selfhtml.org/css/eigenschaften/listen.htm#list_style_type I'm guessing you're looking for "list-style :disc". And yes, if you specify the page's CSS code after the external CSS are linked, and use CSS classes, that should override everything else. Except maybe definitions like #div ul{}.
[ August 18, 2005: Message edited by: Yuriy Zilbergleyt ]