Hi all,
I have two forms
1. Parent Form
2. Child Form
I have used window.opener.document.Parent_forname.fieldname.value = childform_value
function sendInfo(TxtVal)
window.opener.document.Parent_forname.fieldname.value = TxtVal
window.close(); //Closes the child window
Button in the child form - onclicking = "sendInfo('Passing a Value')"
Now the passing of value from the child form to the parent WORKS FINE on my PC when running through
tomcat 8080, but when i upload the application to the tomcat server which is running on my companies intranet, it says that
Parent_forname.fieldname is null or not an Object.
Can any body plz suggest any reason why when the application runs from my PC it works fine, but when the same in run from tomact server which is live it gives a null object error..!!!???
Thanxs in advance.