Hi, I've just managed to make a simple chat web application.
Basically each line of text a user enters, is saved as a context attribute.
and all the context attibutes are displayed by redisplaying the screen every 5 seconds.
I was thinking of extending this to a 2 player connect 4 game. I was thinking of generating a jpg image (using BufferedImage) in the
servlet, to display the board and pieces dropped.
The problem is selecting the column(1-7) to drop your piece in.
A crude way would be to just use a <FORM> and <INPUT TYPE='TEXT' NAME='COLUMN' > tag in the
jsp page, then parse this to an int in the servlet, or perhaps use checkboxes, ideally, getting the column to light up (or something like that)when the mouse moves over it would be good.
But I only know how to do this in a Frame/JFrame, not over a jpg image in a webpage.
Any thoughts and ideas would be much appreciated.