The below code is my view.jsp file: =======================================
The below code is file: =====================================
Now my question is how to make validation in the view.jsp for to validate first name is with uppercase and last name with lowercase and email validation.please give sample code.i tried as in form tag i put onSubmit="return validate()" and head section with function vallidate() but it is not working why? please help.and can we put action= "" and onsubmit="" both in form tag?
You've posted your bean's code which would hint that you want server side validation but your questions about onsubmit etc hint that you want to validate on the client (browser) with Javascript.
sorry for not posting validation i am posting entire jsp with validation code.
why the control is not going to check function in head section.browser showing that errors.if is any problem please give me suggetion. [ January 12, 2006: Message edited by: babu amara ]
hi bear, here there is no error is showing ,but only the problem is not showing any alert message if i am not enter the email.the information is directly send to server with out validating before.I put the email element 'form email' in single quotes.but no use.
Run your script in Firefox with the Javascript console displayed. I'm betting you'll see error messages. [ January 18, 2006: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]