I hope your javascript exists in a jsp or a servlet. If so, you can dynamically create the javascript that opens up the window itself, and embed the data in the querystring.
You can have a common javascript function such as:
Now all you have to do is to create the anchor tags dynamically. E.g.:
Your smallWindow.jsp would look like:
Please be aware of the following: Please know that the HTML query string has certain limitations regarding the amount of data that can be sent through. (query string has a maximum length).Users can read the data sent through the query string which makes it unsuitable for sensitive data transfer.Certian special characters such as the + sign and & maybe lost or replaced since these are control characters. good luck
[ August 03, 2006: Message edited by: Isuru Sampath ]
[ August 03, 2006: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]