SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD1.4, IBM486, IBM484, IBM 483, IBM 287, IBM141, IBM Certified Enterprise Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0
Author of IBM 287 Simulator Exam
SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD1.4, IBM486, IBM484, IBM 483, IBM 287, IBM141, IBM Certified Enterprise Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0
Author of IBM 287 Simulator Exam
SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD1.4, IBM486, IBM484, IBM 483, IBM 287, IBM141, IBM Certified Enterprise Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0
Author of IBM 287 Simulator Exam
And no doubt there are other requirements that you haven't seen yet. Possibly when all these requirements are clear, you will find that you have to produce a full content management system. If that's the case, perhaps you should consider just buying a CMS and saving yourself all that work.Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
You didn't say anything about reporting. You just mentioned rtf.
1. The users want to store some notes/comments about a product into the database. These notes/comments are in the rtf(Rich Text Format) containing bold, italics, bullets, spell check etc. text formats. To resolve this we found out a rich text web editor that can give us bold, italics, bullets, spell check etc. features. The question is how shell we store the text in dattabase? In rtf format or in plain text format. We have to read back data for reports also.
SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD1.4, IBM486, IBM484, IBM 483, IBM 287, IBM141, IBM Certified Enterprise Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0
Author of IBM 287 Simulator Exam
SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD1.4, IBM486, IBM484, IBM 483, IBM 287, IBM141, IBM Certified Enterprise Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0
Author of IBM 287 Simulator Exam
Originally posted by Arulanand Dayalan:
Get the blob object from the DB and write a praser to remove the html tags ...
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