Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
The Scriptaculous Autocompleter.Local sounds close to what you want.
At first glance that doesn't seem like that will really do what I want (unless there is some functionality that wasn't apparent in the demo). The Scriptaculous Autocompleter requires that the user start typing something and then they are shown options that match what they've typed. When they select an option, it is entered into the text box.
The situation that I'm dealing with is one in which each option can be rather long (e.g. 25 characters) but there is only room on the form for a short value (3 characters). Also, the user doesn't necessarily know what the options are, so they need to see the options as soon as the text box gets focus.
I'll look at the Scriptaculous Autocompleter to see whether it can be easily modified to do what I want, but I'm still hoping to see something out there that is closer.