I have a frame set with two frames. One is like MenuFrame and the other is ShowFrame. In the MenuFrame i have all links and when i click those links the page is displayed in ShowFrame. Till here it is ok and am able to work with.
But in MenuFrame i have Logout link and when i click that link i should come out of the Frame Set and display Login Page and both MenuFrame and ShowFrame disappear,Can any one suggest how to do that.
In try.jsp i have all my links including Logout Link. when i am clicking that link login page is displayed in 1st/2nd frame depending on target i give.but i dont want any frames and go to next login page.
Search for "target" attribute in the anchor (a) tag. It takes values like _parent _self _top I believe value "_parent" or "_top" should meet your requirement.
In your tryframe, call a javascript function when clicking on the logout link and set the top location to the logout url :
PS : After reading Purushothaman's post, I guess this is a poor solution Sorry for my lack of knowledge. I leave the post just in case. [ August 31, 2006: Message edited by: Satou kurinosuke ]