Originally posted by Preeti Srivastava:
I am wondering if adding AJAX will be beneficial in this scenario?
Originally posted by pp ss:
I want to use AJAX with Java based Applications.I have made search form and implemented pagination on it using JSP.How far this book can help me in using AJAX so that I dont have to refresh entire page when I change search criteria and implement pagination?
Like Bear said, we do not cover pagination per-se. However, in the chapter on data caching, we do show how to load data from a server, and show it in the browser in a paginated way. That example will definitely get you started on your way to writing your own pagination.
Originally posted by Prithiraj Sen Gupta:
If pagination is done, the server program will call the stored procedure again and again for displaying the data from the database for each page
which will result in automatic page refreshes, and also have to pass through many for's and if's complexity
How AJAX will provide the same data without any page refreshes?
How much lesser time will it take than the traditional way.
Whatever time is saved not having to send the markup for, and re-render, the unchanged parts of the page.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
Yes (except that I don't use stored procedures).
Originally posted by Prithiraj Sen Gupta:
I couldnt understand this. How without using stored procedures you fetch data from database...?
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