"Let the one among you who has never sinned throw the first stone.." -A Hero
Originally posted by john wesley:
so god is Knowledge ?
Originally posted by john wesley:
Have you wondered why this god is so universal in all cultures/tribes thru out history? I think we are better of with religion than with atheism, because it gives a purpose to life where as for atheist the purpose (as told by Darwin) is to �survive and reproduce� consider if today the entire humanity starts to believe in this purpose of life. Pretty scary!
I think we are better of with religion than with atheism
Originally posted by john wesley:
Have you wondered why this god is so universal in all cultures/tribes thru out history? I think we are better of with religion than with atheism, because it gives a purpose to life where as for atheist the purpose (as told by Darwin) is to �survive and reproduce� consider if today the entire humanity starts to believe in this purpose of life. Pretty scary!
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
John: Have you wondered why this god is so universal in all cultures/tribes thru out history?
Lots of things were quite universal in all cultures/tribes -- subjugation of women, for one example. This fact by itself is not a proof of goodness.
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
And for the proponents of "this is just a theory" worldview, another Max's post from the same thread![]()
"regarding conjecture and theory.
A conjecture is pure speculation: it has no(or very little) evidence either way. It's often a precursor to a theory, but it's more often not.
However, a theory that you have six toes on your left leg would offer some supporting evidence: at the very least, it's disprovable (we could just check and see).
Q> Going back to the start almost literally, can science explain how life was created?
A> Actually, yes.
Life is a general term for self-organising, reproducing assemblies of matter. And the simple maths of the situation says that self-organising reproducing assemblies of matter will continue to trend towards the complex, defying entropy's arrow. Basically, anything which allows repeated reproduction will win out.
All that is needed is a way to kick start the self-organising material. It turns out that there is a very common substance which will help structure organic matter in complex fashions - enough to make the creation of amino acids and protein chains possible. It's clay. Clay has a structure which essentially allows it to be a template factory for life.
This is not to say that life arose on this planet from clay. It merely indicates that this was such a possibility - naturally, there is no evidence to support this either way
It is equally possible (perhaps more probable, even) that life on Earth was "bootstrapped" by the arrival of interstellar bacteria.
Originally posted by Paul Sturrock:
I think otherwise, given the huge amount of atrocities committed in the name of religion over the millennia. Not an argument against a god per say, but certainly a reason to be suspicious of religion.
"Let the one among you who has never sinned throw the first stone.." -A Hero
It's also an example of the bandwagon fallacy. Just because a lot of people believe in something, it doesn't make it correct.Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
Lots of things were quite universal in all cultures/tribes -- subjugation of women, for one example. This fact by itself is not a proof of goodness.
I disagree. There is a lot of evidence which supports evolution, just none which proves it beyond doubt. The same is true of gravity and we don't deny that!Originally posted by Devesh H Rao:
This is not to say that life arose on this planet from clay. It merely indicates that this was such a possibility - naturally, there is no evidence to support this either way
Perhaps they shouldn't be. Science is just a method of finding things out. God is a thing. Plenty of scientists are theists.A question for all who disagree, why it that science and god is mutually exclusive?
Science doesn't deny God. It simply says that there is no proof which may indicate he exists. This is a very different thing.When god is denied coz of the wonderful thing called science, it in fact makes science fall into the realm of idealism which is nothing but god.
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
Originally posted by john wesley:
Why do we send millions in aid to Africa ? why cant we just say �O! they are not the fittest for survival !!� wouldn�t that be scientific ? so why do we behave in such an un scientific way ? because we are not animals ! we are humans ! and we all understand that we are something extra than animals, something special �. Every human is special (don�t you think you are special � even if you�re the biggest loner in the world)
Why certainly? It seems the issue is far from clear.we are certainly not here for no reason.
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
I disagree. There is a lot of evidence which supports evolution, just none which proves it beyond doubt. we don't deny that!
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
Perhaps they shouldn't be. Science is just a method of finding things out. God is a thing.
Some science is rejected by theists when it doesn't conform to their view of the world (evolution for example).
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
Perhaps it is some religion, not God, which is incompatible with science.
Prove God, and scientists will believe.
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
This implies that an atheist would not do altruistic actions, which is demonstrably not true.
"Let the one among you who has never sinned throw the first stone.." -A Hero
Originally posted by Devesh H Rao:
PS: By the way I believe in evolution theory....
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
Stephen, personally I don't, in general, laugh at people who believe in some sort of god. I only laugh at people who make fools of themselves by repeating poorly-conceived nonsense over and over in an attempt to convince others of their point. It's time to move on, I think.
Rashid Mayes
http://www.hostj2me.com/ - http://www.worlddeveloper.org/
Originally posted by Devesh H Rao:
Like.....? has anyone been able to replicate the same, leave alone a multi celled organism has even a single cell been created (not cloned) and whats with the we, I am not against anyone. I am as stubborn as any atheist when it gets to rituals and divinity stuff. For me its just that god means different.
Originally posted by Satish Chilukuri:
Actually these guys did manage to create a self replicating molecule
And these guys created a Virus
Originally posted by R K Singh:
I find no reason to belive that jiraffe was the only animal whose neck become long becasue there was no food available on ground.
Originally posted by R K Singh:
If man has come from Chimpangee, then how come there are so many different races of the same homosapians.
Humans and chimps originate from a common ancestor, and scientists believe they diverged some six million years ago.
Given this relatively short time since the split, it's likely that a few important mutations are responsible for the differences between the two species
Originally posted by R K Singh:
I mean, I know the typical answer that evolution does not happen overnight and it takes so much time that there is no one to witness it![]()
Some experts belive that the appendix was for digesting leaves as primates, over time we have eaten less vegatables and over the thousands of years we have evolved for this organ to be smaller to make room for our stomach.
Originally posted by R K Singh:
I was athiest and right not I am neither atheist nor theist.
Originally posted by Devesh H Rao:
Ok I have not gone through the whole article... but a question for you...
Are these scientists playing god...?
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
but the photos DO exist. the experiments HAVE been performed, documented and duplicated. anybody can, whenever they want, perform the same experiments.So most people never see these galaxies, never touch them, don't see first hand pictures of them, never really know much about them, but take it on blind "faith" that it is fact because some scientists say so.
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
Originally posted by Satish Chilukuri:
I wouldn't say it as "playing God". I'd say it as "understanding nature".
Originally posted by Satish Chilukuri:
Yes, that is quite possible. We might really be the machine designed for finding the Ultimate Question![]()
Originally posted by Satish Chilukuri:
Current evidence suggests the process is through evolution. As to the question of when a protein decides to "get a life of its own", I can't answer that. Maybe someone who knows biology/chemistry can do that.
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. -Socrates
3. I really really really do not want to take his name and I wont but you all know who I am referring to.
Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
Even though you're trying to avoid to spelling it out, I think you still lose the debate according to the corollary to [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_Law]Godwin's Law[/url].![]()
Godwin�s Law does not apply to discussions directly addressing genocide, propaganda, or other mainstays of the Nazi regime
There is a large amount of evidence which supports evolution. A good example is the fossil record which Scientists can use to show how species appear to change over time. Clearly this isn't definitive proof, but it is a strong indication that evolution is happening. We could also look at the observed changes in fruit flies, bacteria and viruses as examples of evolution.Originally posted by Devesh H Rao:
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
True, and a good example of this is Social Darwinism, which was a particularly unfortunate political idea.Originally posted by john wesley:
I am trying to tell that if a nation or the entire world starts to apply Darwinian principals as a whole then what a cruel world it could be
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
There aren't many - there is exactly one species of Homo Sapians and it is Homo Sapiens. It is one of the greatest tragedies in human history that humanity has often been classified into seperate races - we're all the same!Originally posted by R K Singh:
how come there are so many different races of the same homosapians.
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
There is a large amount of evidence which supports evolution. A good example is the fossil record which Scientists can use to show how species appear to change over time. Clearly this isn't definitive proof, but it is a strong indication that evolution is happening. We could also look at the observed changes in fruit flies, bacteria and viruses as examples of evolution.
Originally posted by Devesh H Rao:
run through the list of famous atheists and then continue...
1. Mao
2. Stalin
3. I really really really do not want to take his name and I wont but you all know who I am referring to.
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
You may be interested in Dawkins' The Blind Watchmaker which has some pretty convincing ideas about how life may have started off.Originally posted by Devesh H Rao:
My question was more on lines of evolution being self starting.... I will try to put it in a better fashion... I am not looking for any "entity" per say to have kickstarted the process, but an "event" which kickstarted the process.
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
Firstly it is debatable