These are the events I am hooking handlers to:
onmouseclick, onmousedblclick and onselectstart.
What I want to achieve is that the user can select text in table cells by double clicking the text thus selecting one
word. But not selecting a huge chunk by pressing the SHIFT or CTRL keys, since these keys select the content in a way handled by javascript and table row highlighting, and the standard selection/highlighting of text overcolors my highlighting of the tablecells.
So: only selection through doublecklick.
I thought it would work by something like this:
But it seems as the order of the event handlers being called is weird (to me), namely: 1. onclick, 2. onselectstart, 3. ondblclick. So I don't know how to tell the onselectstart handler that the selection is triggered by a dblclick. How do I achivie this???
edit: changed keywords to onclic_k... due to forum filter.
[ September 13, 2007: Message edited by: seb petterson ]