posted 17 years ago
I mainly work on enterprise applications. I have developed an Ajax application based on dojo toolkit.
When I developed the application, I found that the default focus or on change event is not up to the general needs for an enterprise application. In my application, I had to add an additional layer on top of dojo to track focus also handle the focus event differrences among browsers.
I really like to know whether GWT has beefed up around focus management to make enterprise application development easier. The basics I am looking for:
1. Do not fire focus events when the focus leave for another window, fire the focus event when the focus comes back to the window but not the element the focus was in before.
2. Fire focus event, provide a mechanism to block the user inputs during the asynchronized calls which are issued inside focus event.
3. support the set focus calls inside a focus event handler.
4. Focus handler chain and a mechanism to cancel the following event handler calls if the current handler fails.