posted 17 years ago
The application is being built for an elite class of users. We can safely assume that the OS is windows and browser is IE as this is the desired configuration for end user.
I would like to know in javascript, whether the taskbar is positioned at left/right/top/bottom so as to reposition the maximized window. The window is maximized so that the browser back/forward button is not visible to the end user. We have ajax calls and the back/forward can mess up things.
The only issue im facing right now is that although I get the available screen height and width left after the space taken by taskbar(using screen.availableHeight and screen.availableWidth), but the position of the taskbar is not known. Hence if I position it at 0,0 I cover only the bottom and the right positioning of the taskbar. In case the taskbar is at the top or left position, a part of the application gets hidden behind the task bar.
Please suggest. Thanks in advance.
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