Hey Stennar,
I just recently started using protoype in my web-app and I am completely new to its features. For one thing, the form-autocomplete is a feature I'd really like to implement. However, I guess I would need some knowledge on Ajax as well in order to achieve this feature, so I was basically just wondering whether your book provides some examples on this and if so, whether it has Java examples to go with it as well?
Chapter 16 of my book devotes 20 pages to all the aspects of auto-completion with script.aculo.us, with a number of example codes.
The server side is in Ruby to minimize setup, but it can be done straightforwardly in any technology. With JavaEE for instance, you'd just need a simple
servlet that takes a parameter named after you input field's
name= attribute, and returns a
ul/li structure of results.
You do not need intricate knowledge of Ajax: it's all handled smoothly by Scripty.
[ February 12, 2008: Message edited by: Christophe Porteneuve ]