I am working on one xsl file where I need to display registration block or login block depending upon the some condition. I am doing that with <xsl:choose> tag.
Now, my registration block is vertically long and login block is short. So when login block is being displayed it shows white page below that block. Looks like it is resizing that everything. something similar to cutting the page in half and displaying it.
I have very begginner skills in html and not able to figure out how should I debug it. I am not setting any table with width/height. Its a sequential display and I want to display that page till end of the screen filled with background color .
You are using XSLT to generate HTML, but you don't quite know what HTML you should be generating? Then you have a question about HTML. Get that answered, then write the XSLT to generate the desired HTML. If you still have a problem, then it's an XSLT question.
In the meantime, it's an HTML question. Moving to the HTML forum...