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Originally posted by Rajkumar balakrishnan:
But this code(i just want to print them both) seems to be not working.. Please help me ranchers...
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Originally posted by Jeanne Boyarsky:
Please explain how it is "not working". Does it give you a JavaScript error. Does it give you the wrong output? Does it make the browser crash? What's wrong?
Never try to be a hard-worker. Be a smart-worker.
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Originally posted by Martijn Verburg:
Start by putting a simple alert at the top of your function, make sure that it _is_ being called.
Never try to be a hard-worker. Be a smart-worker.
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<input type="text" name="serialnumber" value="${modelBean.serialnumber}" onFocus="datevalidate()"/>
Never try to be a hard-worker. Be a smart-worker.
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Cheers, Martijn,
Originally posted by Martijn Verburg:
OK, next hint
Run the code through a debugger, the Firebug tool that comes as a plug-in for Firefox is excellent, you can also use Eclipse or many other javascript debugging tools
If you can't get a debugging tool to work, I suggest you put an alert statement outputing the result of each line of code in in your function
I think you'll narrow your problem down from there
Never try to be a hard-worker. Be a smart-worker.
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Originally posted by Rajkumar balakrishnan:
Watch my previous post. I have changed my javascript code(and sorry for not mention that)... Thats a very simple code and even that too not working....
Cheers, Martijn,
Originally posted by Martijn Verburg:
I still suggest doing the same thing, run your code through the debugger or add an alert statement between each line in your function, you'll narrow down where you when wrong
Never try to be a hard-worker. Be a smart-worker.
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Originally posted by Martijn Verburg:
I still suggest doing the same thing, run your code through the debugger or add an alert statement between each line in your function, you'll narrow down where you when wrong
Never try to be a hard-worker. Be a smart-worker.
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Originally posted by Martijn Verburg:
OK, try putting an alert statement in between each line of code in your function, see when it stops processing the alerts.
Never try to be a hard-worker. Be a smart-worker.
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Originally posted by Rajkumar balakrishnan:
It just stop working at the var val2=document.write(year + "/" + month + "/" + date) line and i dont know whats wrong with this code.. Here is my full code
Please let me know whats wrong there..... Help me ranchers..
Cheers, Martijn,
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