Hi all , can anyone explain if I can pass parameters from one xml doc to another? for eg. I have a drop down list box in one doc say a html doc . and I am using method = get and directing it to an xml doc. So now in this xml doc . can I have something like getParameter() (like we have in servlets). to get the passed values from the html doc? thankx and regards arvind
Is your XML document static (like a HTML page), or generated somehow (from a JSP, Servlet, CGI script, ASP etc.)? If it is static, there is no way of passing any information. If it is dynamically generated, you should use whatever mechanism is supported by your chosen generation process.
Hi frank The XML doc I have here is static. I am building a drop down in one xml file. and on change event of the values in the drop down I want appropriate value to be displayed in the other xml doc. so I just want to pass the selected list value from the dropdown to the other xml file. Please help arvind
I'm stil puzzled. Are you using XSL to create this "dropdown" in something like HTML, or is the XML used as imput by some custom GUI software which creates the "dropdown"? When you say you want another value to be displayed in the other XML document what do you mean? A document is just a document, do you somehow want to rewrite a static XML document? Do you want to change how a document is displayed in some sort of window or editor? Can you describe this in terns of everything a user would do and see when this proposed system is working well. I would love to help, but we both seem to be reading different things from some of the terms we are using.
Hi Frank , I am sorry I am not well versed with the XML terminologies. well ..As regards the display of this XML document , U R right ! I am using XSL for that. I shall try and make it clear. The following is my xml doc in addbook.xml file
The following is the XSL code in addbooklist.xsl for that
so with this say , I want to display all the people working in the organisation which is selected from the dropdown (obtained on viewing the above xml doc in the browser) The display is to be shown in another XML-XSL doc . What I wanted to know is whether we have anything in xsl which wud capture data values from the previous page. i.e do we have something like parameter passing in XSL?
hope now the problem is a bit clear let me know what U say regards arvind
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